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Minor Arcana

Posted by on 27 באפריל 2020

If there is anything that can be frustrating when you perform a Tarot reading, is to focus the meanings of the cards. We are no less than 78 films that have several meanings, but also to make everything even more fun, if we use the inverted position, as I do, then the figure shoots, as we must multiply by 2, so So we end up with 156 images that cover each of them different meanings, sometimes contradictory. One of the moments that produce panic is when you are without support before a shot, the dependence of books and / or teachers of Tarot is terrible, you're used to being always east, route your steps and make you correct when interpreting in one go is becoming absurd, extravagant. But this support can not be eternal. The sooner we are able to cope alone with the letters, the better. There are many ways to facilitate learning of Tarot, acquire knowledge and enhance security.

Is essential to know the basic meanings of each card, this is the first job and who to skip this step, you get to see in the Tarot more than gibberish with some attractive, but totally incomprehensible. There are a number of practices that we can accomplish, one of them is what I call identification and, I imagine, other people call it another way, but it becomes the same. The basis of this exercise is very simple. Human beings like things to be concrete, in general, the capacity for abstraction is usually not widespread. We understand what we can see and touch, as we have to imagine and recreate mentally, we're stuck. One need only check the enormous difficulties that we usually have when doing visualization exercises. The mind wanders, is scattered, flitting from one topic to another … For these reasons, the identification is more affordable and more manageable.

Identification is a very basic process: it is a relationship between the meaning of a letter and a fact of life or, the description of a specific person, flesh and blood, who know reasonably well. It is worth recalling that the Major Arcana are psychological archetypes, either separately or combined, show all existing human types. Thus, the archetypes associated with known people is a first-order mnemonic exercise. But we can define not only people with the identification, also situations, here we can introduce the Minor Arcana. Identification doing these exercises, we will make contact with the cards is much narrower, as we talk about things we know because we lived, so, reading becomes more real, stop being a combination of data and meanings cold, to become true facts that we can feel and understand. I can assure you, doing this exercise with all the letters, was abandoned long before the notebook.

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